(Dispholidus typus)
Through out Southern Africa, except the Karoo, Namaqualand and Western Cape.

Adults average between 1,2m and 1,5m in length. It is a slender snake. Very large eyes.

Juveniles: Light grey to brown above with fine blue spots anteriorly. The throat is yellow to orange in colour. The eyes are a brilliant green. Adult female: Light brown or olive above and cream to dirty white on the belly.
Adult male: Green to olive green above and light green below OR bright green, with the scales having a black edge, OR dark brown with bright yellow belly. Females will sometimes have typical male colouring.

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thumb-Boomslang Male and female boomslang thumb-Boomslang eyes thumb-Boomslang-cape male _Axel Barlow
thumb-Boomslang Cape WW thumb-Backfanged